Step by Step Guide to Get ZIMSEC “O” Level Results Online

ZIMSEC recently announced that “O” Level results will now be available online. This is good news for those that sat for their exams in November. If you are one of these candidates, you can easily check your ZIMSEC results online by taking the following simple steps; What problems can you encounter while checking ZIMSEC “O”…

How Much Does it Cost to Apply for a Passport in Zimbabwe?

I have recently decided that I am going to move to South Africa, where power outages are far and in-between, and where data prices are, hopefully, better than they are in Zimbabwe. See, Zimbabwe is a beautiful country. However, it can be rather painful to live in. As a freelancer, the fact that I only get electricity in…

Step by step Guide to Applying for a Zimbabwean Passport

I recently went through the process of renewing my Zimbabwean passport, and I thought I would write everything down so others can know how its done. The process outlined here is the same for those looking to get Zimbabwean passports for the first time. Getting a passport, it has to be said, is no easy task. However,…

How to Make Money Online

If you are looking for ways though which you can make money online, then you are not alone. For most people, the World Wide Web holds the greatest of promises when it comes to wealth creation. That is hardly surprising, considering the amount of trade and commerce that takes place through the internet on a daily…

Sugar Loving Zimbabweans force Coca Cola to Back Down

A few weeks ago, we reported that Schweppes Zimbabwe, alongside Coca Cola, had issued a statement trying to defend the fact that a new recipe had been nichodemously introduced for the popular Mazoe line of juices. According to Schweppes, the changes had been necessitated by the need to tackle obesity in the country. This claim was…