How to Check Cell C Balance

Are you a new Cell C customer? Do you need to check your Cell C airtime balance? If yes, we show you the various ways of doing it in this article. Cell C is the third largest mobile communications provider in South Africa. If you have just moved to this network, you may be wondering how to do a Cell C balance check. The steps given below should be helpful to you in this regard;

1. Do a Cell C Balance Check via USSD

The method below is how to do a Cell C airtime check using USSD. It’s the easiest way of seeing how much airtime you have remaining in your Cell C mobile phone. To check your Cell C balance using USSD, you need to take the following steps;

  1. On your Cell C phone, dial *101#.
  2. You will immediately receive a message showing you your airtime balance.
  3. Alternative, you can dial *147#.
  4. Choose option 2 to view your Cell C balance.

2. Check your balance using the Cell C Mobile App

You can also check your Cell C airtime balance using the Cell C mobile app. You need to download this. Depending on the phone that you have, you can download either from the iOS store or from the Android store. Once you have this app, you should be able to check you balance, among other functionalities.

3. Check your airtime balance via SMS

This is another option for those wishing to see their remaining Cell C airtime credit. Viewing what your balance is through SMS is quite simple. All that you need to do is to send the word “bal” (without the quotes) to 14302. You will receive a message showing you your current airtime balance.

4. You can view your balance online

Alternatively, you can see what your airtime credit is using the Cell C website. To do so, you need to log into self service on the site. Most people probably never bother using this service. However, if you do, it’s easy enough to see how much airtime you have remaining in your phone at any given point in time.

5. Get your airtime balance by talking to an agent

If for some reason you are unable to view how much airtime you have remaining in your Cell C SIM, you have the option to get the details by talking to an agent. All that you need to do is to dial 135. Next, choose option 9 and you will be directed to talk to someone. Ask this person to check your balance on your behalf.


As you can see, there are many ways through which you can check your Cell C balance. Feel free to use the option that’s most convenient for you. First, you can check your balance via USSD. That’s the method that’s preferred by most people. You can also check your balance via Self Service on the Cell C website. Alternative, you can talk to someone at Cell C and they will be able to tell you the airtime balance that you have in your phone.

Do you need to port to Cell C from another network in South Africa? Here is how to do it! Also check out our article on how to borrow airtime from Cell C. The information will come in handy in the event that you are stranded!

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