These instructions apply even for previous editions of the Kindle Paperwhite. There is really not much difference between the software in the device, so the way you change the font type is probably going to be the same. If you have acquired a new Kindle Paperwhite and are not happy with the font type, changing it is simple enough. Here are instructions on how to change the font type on a Kindle Paperwhite 2018 edition;
- Go to the book that you are reading
- Click at the top of the screen to bring out screen options
- Click on “Page Display.”
- Next, click on “Font and Page Settings.”
- Choose you preferred font.
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Available font types on a Kindle Paperwhite
So, which font types are available on a Kindle Paperwhite? To be frank, your options are a bit limited. However, you still have enough options in there to have a great reading experience. The following are the font types that are available on Kindle Paperwhites;
- Amazon Ember
- Amazon Ember Bold
- Baskerville
- Bookerly
- Caecilia
- Caecilia Condensed
- Futura
- Helvetica
- OpeDyslexic
- Palatino
What do I use?
Each person’s preferences are going to be different, of course. Personally, I have experimented with a number of the font types that are available on the Kindle Paperwhite. After a long time of struggle, I finally settled on the Bookerly font. What you want to do is settle for a font type that does not strain your eyes. That is usually one that you will not even notice, so the bold option is out in this case. I like the Bookerly font because it is very similar to what you will find in real books. Remember, one of the attractions of the Kindle Paperwhite e-ink reader is that it gives you a reading experience that’s similar to what you will get from real, made-from-paper books. And if you are wondering if you can read books in the dark on a Kindle Paperwhite, read this article.