ZINARA Vehicle License Fees

Are you looking for the current ZINARA vehicle license fees schedule for 2023? If yes, then you should check out this article. Vehicle licensing fees Zimbabwe were last increased in November 2020. I have been to license my own vehicle and these are the fees that are obtaining now. So, you need to look for money to pay the new figures, otherwise you will have to fork out a late payment penalty. So, what are the ZINARA vehicle License Fees for the year 2022?

Update: The ZINARA vehicle license fee was increased on 20 November 2021. Check out the new figures above!

Current ZINARA license fee for small vehicles

The current ZINARA vehicle license fee for small vehicles stands at $1800. You will also need to pay 3rd party insurance of $3123, bringing the total to $4923(Bond dollars)The table below shows the ZINARA fee for all vehicles based on mass;

Vehicle MassCurrent ZINARA License Fee
Up to 1 500kg$1 800
1 501kg – 2 250kg$2 550
2 251kg – 3 000kg$3 000
3 001kg – 3 750kg$6 000
3 751kg – 4 250kg$7 500
4 251kg – 5 000kg$9 000
5 001kg – 5 750kgSee Above screenshot

Current Zinara fees by vehicle mass

Third Party Insurance

Third party insurance for small vehicles in Zimbabwe currently stands at $3123. That’s brings the total amount that you need to pay to RTGS $4655

Update 10 October 2020: Third party insurance in Zimbabwe has just been increased to $3123.

ZBC Vehicle Radio License Fee

The ZBC radio license fee currently stands at $3242 bond. That’s way more than the ZINARA vehicle license fee, which makes absolutely no sense. It’s definitely an inspiration for drivers to remove radios from their vehicles. It’s what I have decided to do. Instead of listening to ZBC, I will just sing while driving along in my vehicle.

Making my own payment

Anyway, back to my story; after discovering that I needed to pay my ZINARA vehicle license fee, I immediately headed over to the nearest Choppies Supermarket to make the payment. There, I got quoted the above amounts. To be frank, I was quite shocked. The last time I made my payment, the total amount required was at around 120 bond dollars.

I used to buy full cover insurance from Champions. However, I have long since stopped doing so. I didn’t even have the courage to ask what the cover for my beloved but bruised Corolla bubble would have been. Anyway, thanks for reading this article. The figures that are given here could change at any time, all things being considered. So, don’t blame me should that happens.

In fact, I didn’t even want to write this article. As a blogger, the best kind of articles are ones that endure. However, things are such that even web content is suffering from inflation in Zimbabwe. You write that something costs so much today, and before the end of the day, it has changed it’s price and your article has already lost it’s relevance.

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