Feature Update to Windows 10 Version Failed to Install Solution

Are you looking for the feature update to Windows 10 version 1803, 1909, 2004, 20H2 failed to install solution? If yes, then you have come to the right place. Quite a number of people encounter the Windows 10 update stuck issue when it comes to installing the latest feature update. This article provides a number of solutions. Hopefully, one of them will work on your computer. The article is divided into the following sections;

Symptoms of the feature update to Windows 10 version 1803, 1909, 2004, 20H2 failed to install problem

You are here because you have encountered a problem. You have failed to upgrade your computer to the latest version of Windows 10. The good news, if there is any good news, is that it’s a problem that we encounter ourselves each time that we try to install the latest Windows 10 feature update on our PC. So, you are not alone. And the solutions to the Windows 10 update stuck issue that we provide here are not just academic. They are based on our real experiences. But what are the symptoms?

Windows 10 stuck at 82%n 90%, 99%

That’s usually the biggest symptom of the feature update to Windows 10 version 1803, 1909, 2004, 20H2 failed to install problem. On our computer, the feature update usually gets stuck at around 83%. There are others out there who are reporting that the Windows 10 update gets stuck at 99%. In all instances, the process is similar;

  • The Feature Update to Windows 10 download is made. Downloading the latest version of the Windows 10 Operation system is not actually a problem and the process goes along smoothly.
  • The upgrade process to Feature Update to Windows 10, version 1909 is launched.
  • The process goes along for a few hours. In our case, our computer was at it for about 3 hours. Again, everything at first appeared to be going on fine.
  • The first inclination that we were going to encounter the Windows 10 update stuck issue was when our computer suddenly froze. After about 30 minutes, we were forced to restart is.
  • After the hard restart, the update process actually resumed. It went on for some time.
  • Again, the process of updating our computer to the latest version of Windows 10 got stuck. We were forced to, once again, force restart our computer.
  • The process resumed at this point.
  • At 90% the feature update to Windows 10 got stuck again. We could see that the entire process was now stuck. After checking that the drive light on my laptop was showing virtually no activity, we hard restarted our computer for the third time.
  • Now, instead of resuming the update process, the computer started rolling back the update! We were notified that the updated to Windows 10 version 1909 had failed and the previous version of Windows 10 was being restored.
  • After an hour or so, my computer was reset, sans the new version of Windows 10, version 1909.

Anyway, the process will likely follow the steps that are outlined above on your computer. If you encounter these Feature Update to Windows 10, version 1909 update issue, then you may be wondering what to do. So, how did we solve this problem? And what was causing it?

Solutions to the Windows 10 version 1803, 1909, 2004, 20H2 failed to install problem

In this section, we give you 2 possible solutions to the Windows 10 update stuck issue. This problem is usually caused by driver compatibility issues. So, the solutions are based on circumventing problem drivers. The first solution involves making the Windows 10 update from Clean boot. The second solution involves temporarily removing the WiFi card from your computer. That’s the solution that usually works for us.

Upgrade your Windows 10 Computer from Clean Boot to avoid driver compatibility issues

This is the first feature update to Windows 10 version 1803, 1909, 2004, 20H2 failed to install solution. We have already noted that almost all Windows 10 upgrade problems are caused by driver compatibility issues. This solution removes the issue by ensuring that your computer only has a minimum number of drivers loaded at the time of the upgrade. That way, there won’t be driver issues. This solution usually works if you are encountering Windows 10 version 1909 update error 0xC1900101. It will also work for other Feature Update to Windows 10 version 1909 upgrade failed errors.

What’s Error 0xC1900101

According to Windows, error 0xC1900101 is usually an indication that there are some incompatible drivers on your computer. Let us repeat that most of the problems that people encounter when trying to upgrade their computers to the latest version of Windows 10 are caused by driver compatibility issues.

What are computer drivers

Computer drivers are a type of software that serve as an interface between the operation system and hardware components on a PC. The problem is that there are so many pieces of hardware on a computer. It’s probably inevitable that you are going to encounter driver problems at one point or the other. You can read more about computer drivers here.

What is a clean boot?

A clean boot is when Windows launches with the barest minimum number of drivers and programs running. It’s more or less similar to Safe Mode. However, in clean boot, you have better control over which programs run when you startup your PC.

How do I perform clean boot on Windows 10?

The following are the steps to perform clean boot on your computer;

  • Use an administrator account to sign into your computer.
  • Search for and select System Configuration.
  • Under the Services, tab, select Hide all Microsoft Services.
  • Go to the Startup tab and click on Open Task Manager.
  • Disable all startup items under Startup, in Task Manager.
  • Close Task Manager.
  • Click on Ok, on the open System Configuration window.
  • Restart your computer.
  • Relaunch the Windows 10 upgrade process.

Doing the above should enable you to resolve error 0xC1900101. This should allow you to carry out the Windows 10 version 1909 upgrade for your computer. The gallery below shows how to perform clean boot in Windows 10.

Remove the WiFi Card from your Windows 10 computer before launching the upgrade

This is the second solution to the feature update to Windows 10 version 1803, 1909, 2004, 20H2 stuck issue. Temporarily removing is actually the solution that usually works for us. It’s what to do if you are no longer able to get to your desktop to perform clean boot.

The WiFi card is also referred to as the PCIe Card. This solution works because the biggest culprit when it comes to driver compatibility issues on Windows 10 computers is the WiFi card. So, the simple but not so elegant solution to the Windows 10 update stuck problem is to remove the PCIe Card. Afterwards, you can then launch the Windows 10 upgrade process. When the upgrade is done, you then reinstall the WiFi Card.

How to remove the WiFi card from a Windows 10 computer

If your Windows 10 update is stuck, the following is the solution to the Windows 10 version 1909 update problem;

  • Get the tools that are needed to open your laptop or computer.
  • Carry out research to find out where the PCIe Card (WiFi card) is located.
  • Open your laptop or computer.
  • Remove the WiFi card.
  • Relaunch the update process.

I am sorry I cannot be that specific in this article. There are thousands of types of computers and configurations out there. My own laptop is an HP G62 laptop. I am something of a tinkerer but had never opened the thing till I was forced to remove the PCIe Card in a bid to make my laptop carry out the update.

Will removing the PCIe Card/WiFi Card solve the issue?

Yes, removing the PCIe Card will likely solve the issue. On my part, the moment I removed the WiFi card, I was able to carry out the update on my laptop without any problem. I don’t know why the wireless card is causing these issues when it comes to updating my laptop.

It’s possible that you may also fail to update your computer because of other hardware and software issues that have nothing to do with what I talk about in this article. All I can say here is that indeed, based on my research, the PCIe Card is the main problem when it comes to the failure to make Windows 10 updates.

Won’t I kill my laptop or computer by opening it up?

If you are not the daring type, then you will probably be afraid to open your laptop or desktop in order to institute the above mentioned solution. All that I can say here is, well, I have been opening up my own computer for some time and I have never had issues. If your PC is still under warranty, you may also be hesitant about instituting the above mentioned solution.

Well, if your PC is still under warranty, then you may need to take it to an approved dealer to institute the above mentioned solution. It’s entirely up to you. On my part, my computer ceased to be under warrant long, long back. Like 7 or so years ago. The thing is that old.

Video showing how to remove the PCIe Card WiFI card from a computer

The video below shows the solution to the Feature Update to Windows 10 version 1909 failed problem. If you have been failing to update your computer to the latest version of Windows 10, then this solution should work for you. If you have a laptop, just follow along what I do. If you have a desktop, just look at where your WiFi card is and carry out the solution that’s shown in the video.

Causes of the Feature Update to Windows 10, update failed issue

What causes the failure of Windows 10, version 1909 to install on some computers? Well, the following are some of the reasons why you may be having problems updating your computer to the latest version of Windows 10;

  • Hardware issues are the major reason why some attempts to update computers to Windows 10, version 1909 fail. In all the instances that I have encountered, the culprit was some hardware issue. The unfortunate thing is that it’s not always easy isolating the precise piece of hardware that’s causing the problem when updating to Windows 10 version 1909.
  • Another related issue are driver compatibility issues. Drivers serve as the link between the Operation System on a computer and it’s hardware. So, if there are compatibility issues between the OS and the hardware, you are likely to be unable to make the update to Windows 10 1909.
  • If you interrupt the update process, maybe due to a power cut or due to impatience, then Windows will probably roll back the update.

This can become a recurring problem

To be frank, I wasn’t really surprised when I encountered the Windows 10 version 1909 update problem. And why is that the case? Well, the reason why I wasn’t surprised was that this was not the first time that I had encountered this problem when updating my computer. Truth of the matter is, every time that a new version of the Windows 10 Operation system is released, I encounter failures updating my computer using the conventional way.

I know, I shouldn’t have even bothered updating my computer to Windows 10 version 1909, knowing as I did that I was going to encounter problems. In my defense, I thought the problem was not going to be present this time around. A while back, I encountered the same issue when trying to update my computer to feature update version 1803.

The main problem that cause issues with Windows 10 updates is that there are so many manufacturers and types of computers in the world. Even computers from the same manufacturer will come in a wide range of configurations. So, when Microsoft creates a new version of Windows, they have to take into account all these various types of hardware. Clearly, the task is nearly impossible.

That is the major reason why people around the globe have been encountering Feature Update to Windows 10, version 1909 failed to update issues. Each computer is composed of hundreds of pieces of hardware, a lot of which are manufactured by different companies. Then there are various software configurations on computers. The result is near chaos. It’s actually a wonder that more people do not encounter issues while trying to update their computers to Windows 10 version 1909.

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Did you find information in this article useful? Did I just help you solve the Windows 10 update problem? If yes, then leave a comment below. You may also wish to leave a comment if you have a solution other than the one that’s mentioned above. Anyway, have a great day!

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