8 reasons why you should create a website now!

When people look back a thousand years from now, they will, no doubt, determine that the internet was, arguably, one of the things that defined the human race in the 21st century.  From the dusty planes of the Ngorongoro in Tanzania to the concrete jungles in the West, greater connectivity has made it possible for people to communicate and do business in ways that, hitherto, would not have been thought possible. Creating a blog or website is one of the many ways through which you, as an individual or as a business, can maximize on the benefits of living in a world where internet penetration has been growing at such an exponential rate.

Why you should get started now!

If you have been struggling with the thought of creating a blog or website, here are a few of the reasons why you should take the leap;

It Gives you Access to a Seemingly Limitless Market

The internet is a vast place. It contains over a billion sites. In fact, over a hundred thousand are thrown into the fray on a daily basis. While this may seem overwhelming to beginners, who get terrified of the idea of having to compete with so many people, the simple fact of the matter is that there are over 3.5 billion internet users across the globe, all of whom are your potential clients.

As mentioned earlier, it is now possible for people to do business from anywhere in the world, using the internet. Where possible, you should consider expanding your horizons, and having your own website is one of the ways through which people across the world will be able to find you.

The possibilities are, in this regard, almost limitless. Of course, there are some businesses that are strictly local, but for those that are not, having a blog or website allows you to grow in a way that, not so long ago, you could only have dreamed of.

It Increases Your Visibility

Whether your business is global or local in nature, having your own website or blog allows you to increase you visibility.

Human behavior is, today, defined by the wide range of internet technologies that are in use. Creating a blog gives you the chance to go where you would, previously, not have been able to go, both in terms of visibility and in terms of reach.

It used to be that people who were looking to buy something would approach their friends and colleagues for advice. Later on, as newspapers became the mode, they would turn to the classifieds sections for information about various products and services.

The importance of Search Engines

Today, while paper newspapers still play their part, most people across the globe are using Search Engines to find whatever it is that they are looking for.

A Pew survey that was carried out several years ago found that around 92% of the adult population in the United States were making purchasing and other decisions based on the information that they were getting from Search Engines, such as Google, Yahoo and Bing.

This figure can only have grown in the intervening years, as more and more people adopt the internet as their primary source of information.

Any business that hopes to make it in today’s world, therefore, needs to have an online presence. Creating a blog or website is a great way of making sure that your target audience will be able to find you.

It Makes you Competitive

Related to the above points, creating your own blog allows you to be competitive, in the cutthroat place that is the world today. Indeed, one can safely say that every business should have its own website or blog. That is the only way through which you can continue to have relevance, by making yourself accessible to the vast marketplace that is the world.

Creating a blog Gives Your Business Credibility

An online presence can, in some ways, be a double edged sword. Do it right, and it will yield untold benefits on your behalf. However, the key here is the point that you should do it right. Many people make the mistake of publishing half baked blogs and websites.

What they do not realize is the fact that people use the way that your site looks as a way of judging the credibility of your business. Do an amateurish job, and you are likely to drive away potential clients.

It is also important, in this regard, to make sure that your content is, not only to the point, but has been professionally edited.

You probably would never entrust your time and money in the hands of a company whose copy has not been properly written and edited, so, why would you expect other people to do so?

Blogging Brings out the Creative Streak in you

Creating a blog is a great way through which you can let loose that creative streak that you have been hiding for so long. Not so long ago, being creative was limited to the lucky few who could write and publish books, or paint  portraits, among other disciplines.

The internet has taken away this exclusivity, making it possible for almost everyone to have their own canvas, in the form of a blog or website. It does not matter whether you are an individual or a large company.

The possibilities that are available today are almost limitless. And, contrary to what most people think, it is possible for you to create your own website or blog in a matter of minutes.

In any case, having a personal website has become one way through which you can unleash your creativity and allow the world to bow to your greatness. Okay, we have to admit that not many people will be able to achieve this, but there is something about letting yourself loose that has therapeutic qualities.

Launch a blog in minutes with iPage

iPage is one of the web hosting companies that we, at Network Bees, recommend to our readers. With this host, you can easily create a blog or website in a matter of minutes. The company offers an easy to use website builder that makes it possible for everyone, including beginners, to get started on website creation.

It’s a Great Way of Making Money

Not surprisingly, “how to make money,” is one of the most searched for terms on Search Engines. Over the years, the internet has, however, taken a bad rap for being a hive for a plethora of ponzi schemes. Despite this, it is still a reliable way of making a living (or just adding a few dollars to your income), and having your own blog or website opens a wide range of avenues on your behalf.

The possibilities in this regard are limitless; you can, as an example, sell real estate on your site to advertisers, or sell your own products through your own blog or website. Check out our post on how to make money online for more details.

Whatever method you, ultimately, decide on, it is clear that blogging is a great way of supplementing your income. There are thousands of people out there who are actually making a living this way. There are also millions of others who are not, but who is to say that you won’t be one of the “lucky” few who will catch a break.

It sharpens you Writing Skills

Let’s face it, not all of us are gifted with the Shakespearean ability to weave words into something that has the potentially to both amaze and confound multitudes.

Creating your own blog is one of the ways through which you can sharpen your writing skills. Perhaps, you wish to get published later on in life. What better way to go down this path than by starting to engage your potential audience, both in terms of content and in terms of writing style.

With your own blog, you can experiment with what works best and, when the time is ripe, let yourself loose in the form of a publication or two.

It allows you to Build Brand Loyalty

Whatever the brand that you represent, creating a blog or website allows you to  have a loyal band of followers and gives you the kind of visibility that is crucial in today’s cutthroat business environment. You can, in this regard, use it in sync with a social media presence to help build an image that your competition will be hard pressed to match. If you would like to start blogging the easiest way, why not click on the banner below to get going?

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