Are you looking to travel from Gweru to Beitbridge or the other way round? Would you like to know the number of toll gates between Gweru and Beitbridge. If yes, then you have come to the right place. This article shows you how many tollgates are there between Beitbridge and Gweru.
Total toll gates between Gweru and Beitbridge
There is a total of 4 toll gates between Gweru and Beitbridge. This applies if you are traveling through Bulawayo, which is the shortest route.
Map showing the Beitbridge to Gweru tollgates
The map above shows the locations of the tollgates linking Gweru and Beitbridge.
Where are the toll gates located?
The tollgates between Beitbridge and Gweru are located in the following positions;
The first tollgate between Gweru and Beitbridge is located at Treetop, 17km from Gweru along the Gweru – Bulawayo road.
The second toll gate between Beitbridge and Gweru is located at Cement, 17km from Bulawayo along the Gweru – Bulawayo road.
The third tollgate is located at Esigodini, 37km from Bulawayo along the Bulawayo – Beitbridge road.
The final toll gate linking Gweru and Beitbridge is located at Naude Quarry, 11.7km from Beitbridge along the Bulawayo Beitbridge road.
Looking for information about the toll gates between Bulawayo and Harare? Get the information in the provided link.