How to Upgrade your DSTV Package (with video tutorial)

DSTV is great, at least for couch potatoes like me. Though it has been facing stiff competition from other direct broadcast satellite service, including Kwese TV, DSTV remains at the top. One of the major questions that’s constantly being asked, with regard to DSTV, pertains to how you can upgrade your DSTV package. So, how do you upgrade your DSTV package? Here is a step by step guide on how to upgrade your DSTV package. If you prefer, you can watch the video below for step by step instructions on how to upgrade your DSTV package;

How to upgrade your DSTV package

Upgrading a DSTV Package

In order to upgrade your DSTV package, all that you need to do is the following;

  • Go to the DSTV Easy Self Service website
  • Scroll down the page and click on “Change Package.”
  • Sign in using your Smartcard number and either your Surname or Phone number
  • Once you have signed in, click on “Add or Change,” to move to another DSTV package.
  • On the next page, you will see your current DSTV package. Note that you can choose to either move to a new package, or to simply add DSTV add-ons.

Upgrade options for your DSTV package

To upgrade your DSTV package, simply click on the bouquet to which you wish to shift. Available options are;

  • DSTV Compact
  • DSTV Compact Plus
  • DSTV Family
  • DSTV Premium
  • DSTV Lite

How much will I pay for the DSTV upgrade?

If you scroll down to the bottom of your page, you will see the amount that you will need to pay for the DSTV upgrade that you are making.

Paying for the DSTV Upgrade

When done choosing the DSTV bouquet to which you wish to upgrade, click on the “Next,” button to move to the next stage.

Here, you will see the amount that you need to pay in order to upgrade to a new DSTV bouquet. Click on the “Pay,” button to make the payment.

Choose your Payment option and you can proceed to the checkout phase. That’s it. After making the payment, you should, after a little while, begin receiving your new package.

Why move to a new DSTV package?

People choose to upgrade their DSTV packages based on a wide range of factors;

  • Perhaps your favorite sport is now in season. This is what usually happens with soccer fans. Whenever the English Premier league is off season, they move to cheaper packages. However as soon as the Premierships comes back, they upgrade in order to watch their favorite teams.
  • You simply wish to save money by shifting to a lower prized DSTV package. With the lowest bouquet going for $7, it’s not hard to see why it may  be tempting to move up and down the available packages.
  • You absolutely have to watch some shows that are only available on another package. In this instance, you would need to upgrade your DSTV bouquet.

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