Best Web Hosting Services Providers

Network Bees knows that choosing a web hosting services provider can be difficulty, particularly for beginners. That is why we have set out to simplify life for you, by giving you a list of some of the best web hosting companies that can be found out there. Our selection is based on genuine customer feedback and on our own experience.  We have previously looked at some of the things that you need to consider when choosing a web host. Now, we point you in the right direction as far as finding a home for your blog or website is concerned.


Network Bees is hosted by InterServer, which is why we can speak with so much authority about this company. Based on what we have seen during the time that we have been with InterServer, no other web hosting services provider comes even close in terms of performance, services, support and price.


Some of the things that enable us to so confidently recommend InterServer to our readers are its honesty, flexibility and affordability. While most of the web hosting companies that are out there are not truthful about how much it will cost you to have your site hosted on their servers, InterServer is different in that, with this company, what you see in an advertisement is what you can expect to pay. There is no up-selling here. You can find out more about why we believe that InterServer is the best web host that can be found out there by reading this article.


Of all the Web Hosting Services providers that are out there, InterServer is  the most flexible. There are so many choices, as you shall see in the “Products and Features,” segment below, which should enable everyone; from the sole blogger to large enterprises, to find something that is suitable for their needs.


We have already mentioned that with InterServer, what you see in an ad is what you can expect to pay in order to have your site hosted. This makes it one of the cheapest web hosting service providers that can be found out there.

If you have been roaming the web hosting arena for any given amount of time, you will understand that, with most web hosts, the often mouth watering prices that are quoted in glossy ads are not what you are going to end up paying at the end of the day. You will likely pay more for security, a domain, speed and much more.

However, with InterServer, all this comes in one affordable package, whose price begins at $5 per month. And, here we actually mean “per month” and not for the 36 month package as is the case with other hostsm, including Bluehost and HostGator.

Indeed, the 36 month package at InterServer actually costs less than the advertised price. Did we mention anything about honesty above?


  • Standard Web Hosting
  • Reseller Hosting
  • VPS & Cloud Hosting
  • Quick Servers
  • Dedicated Servers
  • Colocation
  • Managed WordPress Hosting
  • Net Web Hosting
  • 24/7 Support
  • 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

In the time that we have had our website hosted by InterServer, we can’t say that we have had any reason to complain about the services that we have received. You can read our full review of our InterServer hosting experience on this page. If you are interested in joining us, you can do so by clicking on the big blue button at the beginning of this paragraph. Whats more, you will get the first month almost free if you do so!


If you have been browsing across the internet for any given amount of time, chances are high that you will have come across ads from HostGator. The Texas based company, which has been around since 2002, is definitely one of the most colorful web hosts that you will be able to find out there. At Network Bees we have used HostGator in the past. That is why we highly recommend its services to our readers.


  • Web Hosting
  • Cloud Hosting
  • WordPress Hosting
  • Reseller Hosting
  • VPS Hosting
  • Dedicated Hosting
  • Application Hosting
  • Windows Hosting
  • Domains

HostGator is one of the big names in web hosting, and you won’t be disappointed should you decide to choose to have your site hosted by this company. Our own experience with HostGator was certainly one of the best hosting experiences that we have ever had.  Read our HostGator review for more on the year during which we hosted a website with the company.


Bluehost is, without a doubt, one of the best known web hosting companies in the world. If you wish to tread where over 2 million others have trodden and have found some degree of satisfaction, then this is the web hosting services provider that you should go for.

The Utah based company, which was founded in 2003, draws some of its strength from the fact that it one of the companies that are officially recommended by WordPress. As you might be aware, WordPress commands around 58.7% of the market share, which makes the recommendation such a big deal, considering that there are over 1.1 billion websites in the world. See How You Can Set Up a WordPress Blog in 15 Minutes


Considering its size, it is really not surprising that Bluehost offers such a comprehensive suite of web hosting products and services. So, what can you expect should you, as we recommend, decide to make this company a home for your Blog or Website?

  • Shared Hosting
  • WordPress Hosting
  • VPS Hosting
  • Dedicated Hosting
  • Reseller Hosting
  • 24/7 Support
  • Money Back Guarantee
  • $150 Google Credits
  • Free Domain

At Network Bees, we recommend Bluehost to those of our readers who are looking for the best web hosting company in terms of stability. Although there could be improvements, Bluehost has, over the years that it has been in business, grown to become a world leader in the provision of Web Hosting and related services. You can read our full review of Bluehost by following this link. We do have some reservations about Bluehost, which you can read about in the mentioned review. Overall, however, this web host should be a safe for most people.


So, how cheap do you think affordable hosting should be? Well, how about $0.99 per month? Those of our readers who are looking for cheap hosting, probably wont go wrong with 1&1. This is a company that we highly recommend, based on our own experience and on the feedback that we have received from former and current clients.

Web Hosting has become cheap

The one thing that we are always telling those who bother asking is that price shouldn’t be the primary of your concerns when choosing a home for your blog or website. The reality is that web hosting has, over the years, become progressively cheap.

  • What is more important, however, is the kind of service that you are going to receive when you sign up. You do not wish to get hooked by a web hosting services provider that promises you affordability, while failing to deliver on performance.
  • You website is important, and you should treat it thus.

Confluence Between Affordability and Performance

The reason why we recommend 1&1 to our readers is that it is a true confluence between affordability and performance. The company offers the best web hosting experience that you will be able to find out there, both in terms of performance and price. It also offers the following products and features;

  • Cheap domain names
  • Free domain name
  • 99 cent domains
  • Dominios
  • Domain Check
  • IP address
  • Cheap web hosting
  • Email hosting
  • 1 Dollar web hosting
  • Linux vs. Windows
  • Game server hosting
  • Server

You can read more about 1&1 and why this company offers some of the best web hosting services in this full review that we wrote a while back. Should you decide to join this great web hosting services provider, you can do so by clicking on the banner that is above.


DreamHost is one of the best web hosting companies that you will be able to out there. The most notable thing about this web hosting services provider is that it goes to great lengths to make it easy for you to create and launch your website. The click-to-edit website builder allows you to come up with professional looking websites in a matter of minutes. Although DreamHost is not the cheapest web hosting company that is out there, it is one of the best in terms of features. DreamHost currently hosts over 1.5 million websites, and offers the following products and features;

  • Website Builder
  • WordPress Hosting
  • Web Hosting
  • Domains
  • Virtual Private Servers
  • Dedicated Servers
  • Cloud Servers
  • Cloud Storage
  • CDN
  • Domain Privacy
  • MySQL Servers
  • Security

If you are interested in joining DreamHost, you can do so by clicking on the DreamHost banner above. We guarantee that you won’t be disappointed. DreamHost is truly one of the best web hosting companies that we have, so far, come across.


From as little as $1.99 per month, iPage allows you to build your website and get it up and running in a matter of minutes. That is what makes it one of the best web hosting companies that can be found out there. Network Bees understands that navigating the web hosting terrain can be difficult, particularly for beginners.

When we started out, we had some knowledge of Joomla, and none of WordPress. However, based on the wisdom of 58.7% of the market, we decided to build this site using WordPress! It was a decision that we, at the beginning, regretted. In any case, what we like most about iPage is that the company has put together everything that you need in order to immediately get your site off the ground. Here are some of the things that come standard with each iPage hosting plan;

  • Powerful website builder
  • Large selection of templates
  • Blogs, including WordPress
  • Online store
  • Business verification
  • Malware scanning
  • Highly secure data center
  • Network scanning
  • $100 Google Adwords offer
  • $100 Bing credit
  • Free listing
  • Site Analytics Suite

Those of our readers who are looking for a simple way through which they can get the best web hosting experience can click on the banner below to take advantage of the amazing hosting deals that are offered by iPage. You can also read the full iPage hosting review by clicking on this link.

A2 Hosting

Web hosting does not get any faster than it is with A2 Hosting and if speed is what you are looking for, then you probably won’t go wrong with this great web host. The importance of having a fast page load speed, in Search Engine Optimization (SEO), can never be overemphasized. In fact, almost all of the Search Engines that are out there, including Google, reward sites whose pages load fast with higher rankings.


This is a web hosting services provider that has specifically staked its claim to fame on its ability to deliver stellar speeds, but how does it achieve its amazing results? The answer lies in the features and products that are on offer;

  • Developer Friendly Hosting
  • Domain Registration
  • Domain Transfer
  • SSL Certificates
  • 99.9% Uptime Guarantee
  • Anytime Money Back Guarantee
  • SwiftServers Fast Hosting

The thing that makes A2 one of the best web hosting companies that you will be able to find anywhere in the world is the fact that it offers speeds that are up to 20 times faster than what you will be able to find anywhere else. If you are wondering how this is possible, the answers lies in the fact that the company hosts its sites on Solid State Drive (SSD) servers.

SSDs are a great alternative to conventional hard drives. They deliver faster speeds at a fraction of the power consumption. You can learn more about A2 Hosting, and why we believe it is among the best web hosting companies in the world, in this A2 Hosting Review that we wrote a while back. Should you wish to try out the company, simply click on the banner that is above to get going.

Network Bees